Saturday, 18 December 2010

Empowering Agro-economy and healthy practices

Parampujya Swami Ramdev ji and Acharya Balkrishna ji materialized his emotions and vision of creating healthy and wealthy India and World, on the blessed land next to the holy Ganges was built in 1932 by the scholarly erudite and God realized Param Pujya Swami Kripalu Dev Ji Maharaj known as Kripalu Bagh Ashram. Concomitant with this noble struggle, Swami Kripalu Dev Ji along with another great spiritualist Swami Shraddhanand, who was the founder of the pure and chaste Hindus traditions of the “GURUKUL KANGRI”, organized a movement of rejuvenation of pristine Indian ancient traditions and renaissance of its glorious and hoary past whereby the country, its religion and all related aspects, covered by the gathering dust of centuries neglect, were rediscovered and extolled.

Saint Shri Kripalu Dev Ji Maharaj was succeeded by his illustrious disciple Pujya Swami Shri Shankar Dev Ji Maharaj, well conversant with Vedic knowledge and an ardent advocate of noble human values. Swami ji founded the Divya Yog Mandir Trust in 1995 along with his group of disciples; yet another Philanthropist Pujya Swami Ram Dev Ji Maharaj who has dedicated his presence to augments the haloed traditions of the trust based on selfless service and dedicated quest for excellence in education, vedic learning and promotion of nationalism; he is joined by an energetic soul with an intense spirit of service along with Acharya Shri Balkrishan Ji, also a great spiritualist and great scholar of Ayurved and an established name in Vedic philosophy. 

From the last 15 years the organizations headed by Parampujya Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj and Parampujya Acharya Balkrishna ji Maharaj like Divya Yog Mandir Trust, Patanjali Yogpeeth etc are engaged in the human welfare at a massive scale. The alleviation of human sufferings at health levels are being tackled here through Yog, Ayurved, Yagyopathy, Naturopathy, Jadi-buti, healthy eating and lifestyle in a combination of these. The organizations have gone a step further that is to serve the community only organic food including fruits, vegetables and milk. In this endeavor, following activities and research efforts were carried out;
  •   Production of herbal medicines, herbal foods, herbal cosmetics, food grains, vegetables, fruits and fodder for dairy cattle with less use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, weedicides etc. and working with energies which in nature create and maintain life. 
  •   Promotion of Animal husbandry and dairy cattle;
    o Utilization of dung and urine. The dung mixed with herbal wastes (after extraction) converted into organic manure by using various methods like Nadep compost, cow pat pit, vermi-compost, decomposing by use of culture and supplementing with bone meal oil seed cake, green manuring. Urine and flour wash collected in pits for use as spray material or mixed with irrigation water.
    o The breed improvement with indigenous and exotic germplasm.
    o Undertaking research on cow bye products such as urine, dung, milk, butter, ghee etc. In order to use these for larger benefits of human welfare and also on skin colour's association with milk and other products for medicinal purposes. 
    o Research on cattle diseases using herbal ayurvedic preparations and promotion of health and production of the animals. A laboratory was planned to carry out this work.  
    o Management of dairy cattle using traditional and modern knowledge sources
    o Development of a technology to produce male or female in a desired ratio. This will employ "Punswan Kriya" principle.
  •   Standardization of Organic farming techniques and development of standards for organically produced food items.
  •  Study and research associated with Organic Agriculture, Cow-Urine, Nature and Environment in addition to the study and research in Yog and Ayurved at the research centre of Institution.
  •  Establishing India as the strongest Economic and Cultural power in the world to provide an atmosphere for every citizen of the world to live with pride for realization of dream of healthy, strong, prosperous and advanced India, far from caste, creed, class, religion, region, corruption and violence by employment generation, growth of poor’s etc.
  • Research on vegetables, fruits, herbs and medicinal plants are carried out. The information about medicinal properties of plants will be made available to farmers on a non-profit basis. Farmers will be informed & educated about cultivation of medicinal plants. Seminars, symposium etc. on broad basis will also be organized. 

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